All Business Helpsheets
- Directors Responsibilities Even more onerous is the position of Company Director.
- Email Marketing Law It's the marketing person's dream but email marketing has to stay within the law.
- Employee Dismissal Procedures Getting this wrong can be expensive so we look at the key procedures to follow.
- Employment Age Discrimination Details of the legislation on Age Discrimination in the workplace.
- Franchising The advantages of choosing a franchise, what to look out for when choosing one and the legal aspects to consider.
- Health and Safety for Employers All the basics of health and safety law for employers.
- How to Choose the Right Accounting Software From how businesses keep accounts to the factors to look at in choosing and implementing an accounting system.
- How to Find Your Best Selling Price Some great help in measuring the effect of price changes on quantities sold.
- How to Get a Grant From the realities of getting a grant, how to get one and the pitfalls to avoid.
- How to Raise Finance A review of all the main ways you can do it and get your bank to say YES
- Mad Marketing Ideas As the title says, a couple of them are really mad!
- Managing Your Business the McDonald's Way Explore how systematising your business like McDonalds can add significant value to your business even if you're a firm of Solicitors!
- Preparing for Your Year End Accounts Everything you can do to make the preparation of your year end accounts a simple painless process for both you and us.
- Probability Chart of Results of Test Mailings See how you can accurately predict the results of your next marketing campaign.
- Proven Referral Systems A comprehensive list of referral systems.
- Risk Issues and Insurance for Your Business A detailed list of all the insurances you need to consider when in business.
- Role and Duties of a Company Secretary Everything you need to know about being a Company Secretary.
- Tax on your private pension contributions An overview of the pension rules.
- The 5 Key Qualities Needed to Succeed in Business Find out what helps make a successful entrepreneur.
- The Essentials of Factoring and Invoice Discounting A guide to all the basics you need to know about factoring and invoice discounting that could help your cash flow.
- The Power of Risk Reversal Find out how to offer extraordinary guarantees that make, not cost you money.
- Top Tips to Consider When Starting a Business The main things to consider when starting up.
- What to Put on Your Company Letterhead, Websites and Emails The legal requirements for your company letterhead, websites and emails as well as what goes on your building, cheque book and orders.
- Which Business Structure Should You Use? A comparison of sole traders, partnerships, Limited Companies and Limited Liability Partnerships.
- Working Time and Minimum Wage Regulations A detailed look at how the working time regulations and minimum wage rules are applied and calculated.
- Writing a Business Plan How to do it and a checklist of what to include.